Mr and Mrs Sim went back to Singapore yesterday..the feeling of voidness is lingering much as I like having visitors, I dislike the part when it comes to departure. Gotta adjust to the quietness, the usual routine, not having conversations during dinner time...I sounded so deprived of talking...ok, I'm basically a talkative person. Hopefully not an empty vessel thou... ;p
I've enjoyed their company and I hope they've also enjoyed their stay here. It seems like a 2nd honeymoon for them and seeing them so loving even after 10 over years of marriage =)
I'm always tickled by their conversations with each other. From the oft heard 'men are like that' by Mrs Sim to Mr Sim's slow, monotonous replies 'yes...yes...' ;p It's interesting to note that most men do share certain common 'husband traits' and likewise the women too =)
1 classic example:
Before going out, the hubbies will always be the one waiting for their wives to get ready. The wives will always ask their hubbies questions before stepping out of the house i.e. Do I look ok in this? Did you bring my xxx? Did you get that xxx in my bag? etc. And the hubbies will reply in a slow monotonous 'yes...' Familiar? ;p
We couldn't understand why our hubbies must unpack immediately after each trip and our hubbies couldn't understand why we feel obligated to buy something for our friends/colleagues during each trip.
Having a total of 7 guests for the past 5 months has been an enjoyable experience. Well, definitely there will be some inconveniences but those are negligible when compared to having good company :)
Each of my friends' visit, I've learnt and discovered new things.
I've just learnt from Ms Sui that I'm like a cow...cos she sees me munching most of the time, like the cows grazing in the fields the whole day. Yet, we all wonder where all the food goes to ;p
It's interesting to observe the different habits of people and how they react when they are placed together. Some say you'll see the best and worst of a person when travelling together. Well, quite true to some extent.
I'm quite used to staying with a group of people since I come from a big family. I can live in a messy, noisy environment and I'm also lucky enough to be one of those who don't need to use the toilet a long time. The use of toilet can be a potential 'mine field' if left unplanned =)
Living with my grands in a 4 room flat with 10 other family members, I remember being nagged at to bathe at 'off-peak' hours, that is, before the the adults come home after work. I hated that. Can't I choose to bathe whenever I like? Why can't I have the freedom...that was the time when 'I' is the centre of the Universe.
Now that I have the luxury of 2 toilets with just the 2 of us, I kinda miss those times when I was being nagged at ;p Humans...
I miss the liveliness of having many people living under one roof, I miss the bickering and fights, I miss being spoilt for choice at dinner time with many dishes to choose from, I miss having many people in the house although I've yearned for personal space at times.
I guess I'm feeling a little homesick again...hope this feeling will soon pass by.
Come to think of it, I kinda miss the moments preparing dinner for my friends and feeling happy seeing them eating heartily after their day trips. It's strange that I have such a 'motherly feeling' towards my friends hahaha ;D I hope I didn't torture any one of them with my cooking...although now I am a little more confident of my cooking skills after 5 months of continual practice :>
I could hear the hilarious laughter of Ms Sui when we were seeking shelter from the cold wind in the phone booth =D
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