This time, we decided to explore the right side of the lake. We noticed a number of people walking that direction as well and we guessed that there must be the soccer fans zone nearby since we could see a couple of them carrying flags and wearing soccer jerseys. So we 'kaypoh' and follow them.
The next morning, we woke up at around 6.30am this time. Probably I was too tired from the walking, so managed to hear only the birds this time :)
We checked out of the hotel early and took a walk to the old town before we head back to Zurich. Should have checked out later if we knew we had to walk so much with our barang barangs.
And we found a fresh market here :) So Sats are good for exploring towns where they are usually buzzing with activities.
So here are at Palais de Rumine (Rumine Palace).
I like this clock but not cheap not cheap...ever wonder why the time on clocks and watches are always tuned to 10.10? Cos it will look as if the clock or watch is smiling :) not sure if what I heard is true but thought that was interesting :)
"Help me! Help me! I'm being tied to the chair!"
This is the picture I saw in the magazine at the hotel. For a moment, I couldn't recognise it cos the one in the magazine looks much more magical (or probably with the help of photoshop). Due to the limitations of my camera, this is the best shot I can take.
This building houses a number of museums such as the Archeological Museum, the Cantonal Museum of Art, the Cantonal Natural History and Zoological Museum and the Cantonal and University Library.
We took the pictures from outside the museums as they are not open...strange, I thought they should be open on Sats.
A tigress looking at a tiger hehe ;p The tiger looks so real huh?
An interesting exhibit - a clothed homo sapien and the polar bear ;p
Lausanne Cathedral
We were like 'wow....' when we reached the entrance of the cathedral. It felt so majestic and magnificent.
Look at the intricate carvings. Imagine the amount of work and effort put into building this cathedral.
Lausanne was one of the cities to institute a nightwatch to prevent the threat of fires. Hence, every night from 10pm to 2am, the nightwatchmen stationed on the wall surrounding the town would call out to each other, ensuring that there were no fires or enemies approaching.
The cathedral nightwatch was the most important where every night, the watchman would walk up the 153 stairs to the top of the tower and call out to the 4 directions "C'est le guet; il a sonné l'heure." (meaning "This is the nightwatch; the hour has struck."
Interestingly, Lausanne is the only city in Europe to continue this tradition till now. Imagine the shock sometimes people will get when they call out and I suppose the watchman must be a very fit fella...153 stairs every night...
In 1536, the Reformation and Bernese conquest stripped Lausanne Cathedral of its screens, altars, statues and paintings. The Golden Virgin statue was melted into coins, the other items were taken over to Bern, preserved in a museum.
Even thou this church took about a century to construct starting from 1175, it went into its restoration work in the 19th centure and is still on-going when we were there.
Took a quick lunch back at Ouchy before we head back to Zurich.
And I realised that pigeons can be quite slow in fighting for food and they aren't as aggressive as the sparrows. But it's interesting to note that the moment they sense the presence of crows, these sparrows would all disappear. Ok, enough of my bird talk and time to upload the last portion of the trip which was unplanned - Fribourg.
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